Pilot plants

We prefer to develop, design, plan and construct pilot plants in close co-operation with our customers to ensure that the plant meets the individual producer’s specified criteria and needs.

FH SCANDINOX A/S supplies pilot plants to a wide variety of dairy and food industries.

For safety reasons more and more producers choose to develop and test the products on their own before large-scale production is initiated. A small-scale production facility enables you to focus on research, development and testing without disrupting the current production.

We prefer to develop, design, plan and construct pilot plants in close co-operation with our customers to ensure that the plant meets the individual producer’s specified criteria and needs.

All our pilot plants are naturally characterised by flexibility and high quality.

FH SCANDINOX A/S supplies pilot plants with a capacity of approximately 30-500 litres per hour. The pilot plants are skid-mounted on stainless steel bottom frames and fitted with the necessary process equipment, pumps, valves, pipes and fittings. The plants are also electrically wired and carefully tested before shipment.

We supply pilot plants for the following product group applications:

  • Milk
  • Ice cream
  • Yoghurt and fermented products
  • Margarine
  • Food stabilizers and cultures

FHS data sheet Margarine pilot plant
FHS data sheet Dairy and food pilot plant
